オミクロンXBBに罹患した医療人としての私見と感想 Title: Personal Views and Impressions as a Medical Professional Afflicted with Omicron XBB


オミクロンXBBに罹患した医療人としての私見と感想 Title: Personal Views and Impressions as a Medical Professional Afflicted with Omicron XBB

2023-08-09 ChatGPTと小児科医によるこども医療相談 0
















(余談 たかまつの野鳥のお宿) 久しぶりにほとんど誰もいない夜明けから日の出にかけて、マスクを片手に中央通りを栗林公園から片原町商店街まで歩いた。以前から興味あり歩いていた1つのルートだ。カラス、すずめ、ムクドリの夜の宿になっている。中央通りの中央分離帯の樹齢100年以上の距離にして1キロくらい続くクスノキ、中央公園の植栽、番町交差点から南新町あたりまでの国道11号線沿いの植栽が野鳥たちの宿である。この樹からこの樹までといったきちんとした部屋分けをしているようだ。カラスはほぼ石清尾八幡の入り口から富国生命ビルあたりまでのクスノキを、ムクドリはそれより北で片原町のアーケードの信号までのクスノキ、すずめは中央公園と11号線沿いの街路樹である。カラス、ムクドリ、すずめの順番のちから関係があるようで、帰り道の近さや安全度で選んでいるように思える。クスノキは人気で下位のすずめは宿にできない。朝一番に飛び立つのはカラスで朝はまだ暗い、次にすずめだ。この2種類は割と三々五々に、たぶん帰り先の小グループで散らばっていく。ムクドリは一番あと。ピューピューギュルギュルという声が高まって枝から枝へとびまわり、いたるところで近くのムクとつつき合い、今から飛び立つ準備をしているようだ。100羽くらいのグループがすぐ南の同数グループのところの枝につかまろうとするが場所がなく、南のグループもそれにびっくりしてその南といった連鎖で、北から南に数分のあいだでほぼ数十グループが1000羽はいるのか富国生命ビル南の信号が南端出途切れているためその2-3のクスノキは過密状態ひどく、耐えきれないように長いひとかたまりになり何度かに分かれて飛び立つ。最後はゆったりできるのか少し喧噪が落ち着いて、日が差し込んで来るくらいに残りの数グループが飛び立つようである。(筆者はずっとヒヨドリだと思っていたがムクドリだった。)





 広がり方は局所から周囲の局所へ広がっていく、またその破壊は表面的でなく深いと述べたが、治り方はウイルス感染である。深さは炎症による浮腫で細菌感染のような破壊ではない。オミクロンは上気道に留まるようになったが、変異でまた肺や他のターゲット組織を見つけるとまた厄介である。味覚嗅覚に関しては、病日4日目から急に重症のものになり2日くら続いた後私の場合は回復1週間でゆっくり回復した。       以上、私見と感想。


Content: (Note: The term “Omicron XBB” is used due to the prevalence of the XBB strain in the current situation.)

Onset: Day 0

From the morning, a discomfort in the left nasal cavity was noted, progressing to a gradually intensifying pain in the left nasal cavity by midday. Occasional general fatigue emerged as well. Landing from a plane after a fireworks event left the left Eustachian tube blocked, causing severe pain – an experience of intense pain for the first time in my life. Feeling somewhat better, I engaged in activities like washing the car after returning home in the evening. Fatigue persisted afterward, despite repeatedly measuring a normal body temperature. A persistent sense of fatigue despite having normal body temperature was accompanied by occasional mild coughing. An antigen test was conducted at 20:00, confirming a positive result. This led to entering self-isolation in a room I had borrowed for work purposes.

Day 1

After a good night’s sleep, the morning brought relatively good physical condition, allowing for activities such as golf. Fever of around 38 degrees Celsius developed by midday, accompanied by increased coughing. A significant amount of thick and clear phlegm made breathing difficult. Evening saw the use of a sedative and analgesic (Roxicodone) for improved rest. Coughing seemed to be triggered by irritation, as it did not occur after sleep.

Days 2-3

Consistent low-grade fever and intense coughing continued, making coughing inevitable when lying down due to thick, adhesive phlegm in the respiratory tract. Excreting such thick phlegm was challenging, and the discomfort was significant when imagining it going deeper into the lower airways. The infection seemed to spread from the local area of the left nasal cavity and throat to the surrounding regions. The inflammation resembled that of bacterial infection rather than superficial viral inflammation. Occasional brief headaches, unlike my usual migraines, were present. Effective treatment included thorough expectoration, and I advised against nasal suctioning due to the infection’s lateral spread from the initial local site. Swallowing was beneficial, but nasal suctioning would likely create a route for mucus to descend into the lower airways. On the third day, complete recovery antibodies had not yet formed. The immune response appeared to be sustained by partial antibodies acquired over a year ago and the immunity from previous vaccination. Although complications like myocarditis or encephalitis were possible, intense inflammation likely occurred locally in specific tissues, leading to arrhythmias, seizures, and altered consciousness. Complete healing antibodies were not present on the third day. While individual responses vary, older individuals and those at higher risk may require vaccination to withstand the acute phase. Personally, I faced minimal risk and experienced a mild case of Omicron. However, even with Omicron, proper expectoration remains essential for individuals who have difficulty doing so.

Day 4

The morning brought multiple normal body temperature readings. The amount of thick secretion felt subjectively decreased to about one-third, and coughing reduced significantly. No more nasal discharge was observed. Healing antibodies likely started forming. In retrospect, left nasal pain began on day -2. I believed it to be sinusitis and intended to use antibiotics upon returning home. Those who accompanied me to the fireworks event, especially my wife who was always beside me, likely remained unaffected due to minimal coughing. During breakfast, I felt that buttered bread did not taste quite right. At lunch, an unexpected craving for eel rice emerged, but the dish lacked flavor. Gradually, my sense of smell diminished, leaving me with only a sense of texture while eating. I wonder about the mechanism behind this phenomenon, as the virus is quite intriguing. Overall, my condition improved that day. Taste impairment was attributed to inflammation in nerve-supporting tissues, as rapid recovery was common, and improvement was observed by the morning. Smell and taste disturbances occur in approximately 80% of cases, often severely. Currently, a sense of edema follows the consumption of hot items.

Until noon, I felt well. However, fever and increased coughing resumed in the afternoon, a pattern typical for this phase. Occasionally, when coughing, a discomfort in the upper airway triggered multiple attempts to clear it. The situation resembled pertussis in adults, not the children I saw during my medical practice. It felt as though thick phlegm clung to the entrance of the trachea.

Day 5

Significant relief was experienced. Mild fever no longer occurred during the day. Coughing was infrequent, occurring sporadically. Nasal discharge had also ceased. Smell was absent, and taste remained limited to sensing saltiness. Drinking a can of beer seemed akin to drinking pure carbonation.

Day 6

Overall condition returned to normal. Antigen testing of saliva remained positive. Taste largely returned, including the ability to perceive sweetness. Smell was still absent, although there were moments when I thought I smelled something while drinking milk. Mucus with a cream-colored tint occasionally appeared, much like what occurs after a common cold. Consuming a beer without sweetness indicated that carbonation was still the dominant sensation.

Day 7

Taste was about half recovered, as was the sense of smell to some extent. The aroma of soy sauce could be faintly detected, but it quickly disappeared. It appeared that my memory of scents in my mind was responsible. To confirm the absence of infectiousness and in line with guidance that suggests a decreased risk of infectivity after the 10th day of symptom onset in mild to moderate cases, further testing was discontinued. Rejoining my family was planned for the 10th day. Until then, mask usage was advised in crowded areas or specialized environments like hospitals. Taste had nearly returned to normal. Beer’s taste was recognizable again. Taste had become more complex, while smell seemed to briefly return and vanish again. A subtle swelling sensation remained after consuming hot items.

Although the fear of COVID-19 fades as recovery progresses, I found myself engaging in outdoor activities more frequently. Physical activity and exercise were almost normal. Smell had improved further, and taste was almost completely restored. Tomorrow, I would return home.

Day 8

Antigen testing of saliva remained positive. While a positive test does not necessarily indicate the presence of infectious viral particles, the Japan Respiratory Society suggested that the risk of infectivity is low in mild to moderate cases beyond the 10th day of symptom onset. Such cases involve fragments of the virus with reduced infectivity. Testing beyond this point was halted, and it was decided to reunite with family on the 10th day. Until then, wearing masks in crowded settings and hospitals was recommended. Taste had largely returned, including the ability to sense the flavor of beer. Taste had become quite complex. Although smell still lacked, I believed that it was slowly improving. In the afternoon, a slight improvement in smell was observed. The smell of soy sauce was detectable, although my ability to smell appeared to disappear quickly.

Day 9

Taste remained similar, about half restored. While drinking milk, I believed I sensed a smell, but there was no odor even when smelling strong scents like soy sauce. Memories of scent in my mind seemed to be influencing this experience. Given the current state of taste and smell, I planned to conduct another antigen test on day 10.